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Distance learning - a term that is used for a wide range of educational programs and courses, from refresher courses, without accreditation, ending accredited higher education programs that implement the possibility of close contact of students with their teachers and fellow students, as it is full-time training . In order to ensure effective interaction in distance learning using a variety of tools, including interactive computer programs, the Internet, e-mail, phone, fax and regular mail.

Distance education is becoming extremely popular form of education because of its convenience and flexibility. It eliminates a major barrier that keeps many professionals and business people from the continuing education, eliminating the need to attend classes on a set schedule. Students remotely can choose a convenient time employment according to their own schedule.

More information about distance education in Tomsk State University you can read: http://ido.tsu.ru/



We suggest you learn the program "E-commerce".
The program focuses on the formation and development of practical skills in the field of:
creation, promotion and management of e-commerce;
the use of existing e-commerce solutions as tools for the strategic development of existing businesses;
recycling business ideas into compelling product or service for the e-commerce sector;
consulting services in e-commerce;
the use of marketing strategies, sales and marketing in a single system of electronic commerce;
management of projects aimed at the development of e-commerce;
promote start-ups in the field of e-commerce

More information about program: http://ido.tsu.ru/



Retraining program "ICT in historical research and education".

Learning on the program, you can use the knowledge and skills in the following areas:
In the area of information and communication technologies in conducting historical research
In the field of Internet technologies in scientific and educational activities
In the field of statistical methods in the humanities studies
In the area of source of electronic (digital) documents
In the field of 3D computer modeling stories
In the formation and use of databases

Detailed information http://ido.tsu.ru/obuchenie/history.php



Institute of Distance Education of Tomsk State University (TSU OID) is created by the order of the rector of July 3, 1998 to form a scientific and educational space of Tomsk State University on the basis of modern telecommunications and information technologies, as well as the implementation of educational programs using distance learning technologies. Since 2005, the Institute coordinates the activities of units of the TSU in further education.
For his work in the field of distance education, seven employees of the Institute was awarded the Tomsk region in the field of education in 2000 and 2001.
In 2002, a team of seven people, led by the rector of Tbilisi State University GV Mayer, was awarded the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education in 2001 for his work on the creation of open educational space and working out mechanisms of joint activities of universities in the system of open and distance education, which were held in OID.
In 2013, five members of the TSU - Georgy V. Mayer, Vladimir Petrovich Demkin Ernst Rafailovich Schrager, Galina Mozhayeva, Tatyana Rudenko - as part of the scientific team of nine people was awarded the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education for the scientific and technical development "Development methodological foundations of innovative forms of networking and their implementation in the system of continuing education for the scientific and human support of socio-economic development of regions ".

The main activities of the Institute:
1. electronic and distance learning;
2. additional education of adults and children, including the use of remote sensing technologies.




Retraining programs "Information and communication technologies in the social and humanitarian practice"

The program is focused on the development of professional competencies in the field of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research methodology in the field of information and communication technologies in the social and humanitarian sphere.
However, the content of the program allows you to acquire new knowledge and synthesize available on philosophical issues related to the development of modern society and culture, with the rapid diversification of information and communication technologies in various spheres of daily life.
Retraining programs "Information and communication technologies in the social and humanitarian practice" is a practice-oriented focus. Organization of educational process allows learners to make their own inferences, to adapt the content to their own practice, and test the skills obtained in carrying out practical tasks.

Duration of training - from 05.10.2015 on 01.07.2016 years.
Tuition fees 23 000 rubles. Installment payments.
Number of places in the group is limited.

Read more: http://ido.tsu.ru/



Retraining programs "Project Management for Innovation"

The program focuses on the formation and development of practical skills in the field of:
disclosure of project management from the perspective of the development of innovative businesses;
draft as the management system, aimed at getting the result in accordance with the feasibility study;
Study phases of the project lifecycle;
revealing the specifics and methods of project financing;
study of modern technologies of project management;
identifying effective ways to manage risk and achieve the desired quality of the project

The program of professional training has a modular structure that allows students to build individual educational program to a funded system.
Innovation Management
Fundamentals of Project Management
Initiating a Project
Setting goals and planning for the design
Operational project management
Marketing management in the framework of project management
Cost management and financing of the project
Management quality of the project
Legal support of the project activities
Information Technology Project Management
Project Risk Management
Human Resource Management Project
Project Procurement Management
Project Communications Management




Retraining programs "Technology and Operations Management"

The program focuses on the formation and development of practical skills in the field of:
Accounting and Reporting
Business Planning
Strategic and operational planning
Human Resource Management
Commercialization of innovative technologies
Sales management
Commercialization of innovative technologies

Items that you will learn:

Technology Management
Operational Production Planning
Quality management in the enterprise
Personnel Management.
Active sales. Basic skills
Time Management: Personal Effectiveness

Reda more http://ido.tsu.ru/



Supervising in the construction of oil and gas wells

Supervising is a specific kind of professional activity, encompassing technological supervision during the construction of oil and gas wells. Being a representative of the customer directly to the drill (Supervisor) during well construction is aimed at improving the quality of reservoir management and greater information content of the company's management, the subsoil user of the construction process, as well as compliance with all regulatory and technological requirements.

Education under the program may be carried out both internally and with the use of distance learning technologies: http://ido.tsu.ru/



Legal support of the project activities

The purpose of the course - getting all students the necessary knowledge in the field of legal regulation of management of innovation projects, as well as the skills of drawing up legal documents in the project management and ensure their legal security.




Retraining programs "trainer-teacher of physical culture"

Retraining programs "coach-teacher of physical culture" focused on the development of professional competencies in the field of physical education, physical education and sports training. However, the content of the program allows you to acquire new knowledge and synthesize available for general pedagogical issues related to the formation of comprehensively developed, physically healthy person. Organization of educational process is carried out with the sport and teaching expertise of students, allowing you to tailor the content to their own practice, and test the skills obtained in carrying out practical tasks

Duration of training - 4 months
Apprenticeship with 09.14.2015 on 25.12.2015: http://ido.tsu.ru/


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